Year of Villains is spun out of some of Scott Snyder’s
Justice League… Dark Metal series; Snyder explains… “Lex Luthor has played this
central role in all of our stuff, and in Justice League in particular. And a
lot of it has been this journey towards Lex’s realization that he was always
right, as he struggled with being a hero or a villain. And at his core is this
ego; he believes that humanity is selfish” (Susana Polo, NerdGerhl May 1, 2019).
The next chapter of Year of The Villains takes place in
Justice League #25, which will be hitting stores June 5th. In
Justice League #25 reader’s will learn of the “death” and “resurrection”
of Lex Luther who begins to “offer” villains
the chance to remove, eliminate and eradicate their least favorite DC Superhero!
The action continues in Event Leviathan #1 releasing June 5th…
followed by Batman # 75 July 17th… Batman/Superman #1 August 14th…
and several more (the list and dates or comics releasing can be found in DC Comic’s
July 2019
Preview). One of the coolest aspects of Year of The Villains comic’s
is each comic released will be a stand-alone issue, that will contribute to the
whole, but allows fans to pick and choose which comics they want to buy.
Shoppers the “Action” does not stop in July this epic event
will continue in the months to follow and White Dragon Comics will be offering
every issue for sale as they are published. Buyers can find these comics and
the twenty-five-cent comic at our home base at Tannersville Pa. or on our
informative, super-fun Website.