Sunday, January 25, 2015

Review: Wolf Moon

Wolf Moon - Vertigo Comics

Wolf Moon is a new six-part mini-series that will leave your skin crawling and an overwhelming sense of dread, and fear with the rising of the next full moon. Wolf Moon is unlike any horror comic book you have read in the past, the artwork alone will leave you with a chill up and down your spine, while the writing from Cullen Bunn will draw you in, and leave you screaming for more.

Cullen Bunn’s Wolf Moon gives readers something new, this viscous Werewolf does not follow folklore; it is not born of a curse, but a never ending spreading-disease going from host to host. Bunn’s Werewolf seeks a host, a victim that can be used for one night of mayhem and a release of pure evil. The Werewolf, a thrill-seeker uses these victims, them discards them leaving the terrible memories of the blood-lust, their bodies committed the night before.

Jeremy Haun’s artwork is impressive in Wolf Moon, drawn in visceral colors lacking the deep shadows and dark coloring generally associated with these types of horror comics. Rather than using lots of negative space, Haun casts an unwavering light on all the gruesome details.

If horror is your thing than this comic book is for you, join Dillion, the latest victim of the werewolf disease, on his quest to not only find, but destroy this awful disease. Dillion will take you on journey of despair, remorse and vengeance unlike you have seen before.

Don’t miss an issue order today at White Dragon Comics, the best in on-line comic book service!

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