Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Midnight Mystery from Alterna Comics

Midnight Mystery an all-new mini-series from Alterna Comics just hit stores today. Midnight Mystery is a look at a night in the life of Detective Ezekiel “Zeke” King, a real gumshoe who has seen things nobody should see.

Midnight Mystery begins with Zeke asking the question, “What if Ghosts were Real?”  Our Investigator goes on to describe a roster of “what if” unnatural beings… setting up our story. Soon called to his next case a missing son… a horror actor missing son, one that the actor has never met, raised or supported. What happens when Zeke finds the boy is truly terrifying! Readers will never be the same after this comic book!

Bernie Gonzalez, creator and owner of Midnight Mystery publishes the next great “gumshoe” mystery. Gonzalez’s dialogue reminds of the late-night Supernatural Suspense movies that were hosted by b-actors dressed up as vampires and such… as I’m reading I can here Uncle Teds voice (Uncle Ted’s Ghoul School) speaking in my head!… Classic!

Wes Locher’s artwork transforms the reader into a time when private-detectives were the Bee’s Knee’s, often called upon for some horrific mystery! It’s not glossy artwork. Almost black and white with a splash of color, really fits the time-period!

Comic Book readers this is another great hit published out of Alterna Comics and the best part… each issue is priced at $1.50 an issue! Yep you read it right, Alterna Comics are all priced at a reasonable $1.50! This is a must have comic… 5 ghoulish stars out 5!


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