Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Goddess Mode #1 the next Matrix?

Calling all sci/fi fans Vertigo Comics an imprint under DC Comics has released a must-read new comic… Goddess Mode. To be fair Goddess Mode is currently on issue two, I overlooked the title because of the name and cover art. It looked as if the comic was about teenagers and their adventures, boy was I wrong! Overjoyed now that I have read Goddess Mode and glad I did not miss out on the sleeper-hit of 2019!

Goddess Mode from video game developer and first-time comic writer Zoe Quinn and Spider-Gwen co-creator Robbi Rodriguez is one of the bests new comics of 2019. Fans of Science Fiction will get this comic immediately, others may find it abstruse and complex. It is somewhat hard to follow, especially for those that do not read sci/fi on a regular basis, the comic book drifts between worlds, kind of like the hit movie The Matrix, in fact that was my first impression… The Matrix on Steroids!

Our would-be heroine Cassandra Price, a young woman desperate to save her father is pulled into another world, a world within her world Azoth. In this world she will meet others like herself, beings with magical powers, commissioned with saving world. Can hacker Cassandra and the three magical female fighters defeat the monsters in this neon universe?

This video-game inspired comic book has a lot more story, but not wanting to give away too much I’ve kept a bit the story to myself, after all readers need a little cliff-hanger to get them going

Goddess Mode is great read, colorfully done it drips magic from start to finish. I highly recommend Goddess Mode for readers of all-ages and fans of science fiction.
Fans can find the latest copy of Goddess Mode at White Dragon Comics and online customers can find Goddess Mode and many more talented comics from Vertigo Comics.
