Monday, December 8, 2014

Review: Crossed + 100 #1

"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history." - Aldous Huxley

Crossed + 100 # 1 - Avatar Press

Spinning out of Crossed, a top-selling Avatar Press comic book by Garth Ennis, Alan Moore brings readers an all-new horror with Crossed +100 comic book. Art is supplied by Gabriel Andrade who brings to life the Crossed affliction with a uniqueness that is seen on the faces of the characters portrayed in Crossed +100.

The original Crossed comic book series and its successor Crossed: Badlands, chronicle the time of the initial outbreak of the Crossed Plague and the few years immediately following. Crossed +100 comic books are set 100 years after the onset of this terrible plague. Writer Alan Moore builds the Crossed +100 comic book story and makes it come to life with his distinctive writing skills. In a future where there are no schools, laws or common morality how would society evolve? Alan Moore answers that question and more in the Crossed +100 comic book series.

Survivors of the Crossed plague have grown up with no education, no leaders, so to say, and a lack of knowledge as to what exactly happened to the human race. Now 100 years in the future, these survivors are searching for clues, clues to their past, what happened and what brought about this terrible affliction.

Traveling by train from city to city, artist Gabriel Andrade, paints a picture of world that is returning to its original state of vegetation.  With the Crossed dying out over the past 100 years and no one to maintain homes and businesses nature is reclaiming the planet; giving an urgency to our survivors, who are looking for any artifacts or books that can supply them with a glimpse into our past world. 

Thinking that the Crossed plague is all but wiped out, our handful of survivors are in for quite a shock when while scavenging, they run into the Crossed! Will they survive? Will they be able to piece together the past and find out what happened? Find out today in Crossed +100, available at White Dragon Comics. Pick up your copy today

 - barbie66

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