Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kelly Sue DeConnick: A Writer to Watch

I usually focus my reviews on a particular book or series. But right now I’d like to talk about a particular creator, in this case a writer.

Her name is Kelly Sue DeConnick.

Kelly Sue is currently the writer on Captain Marvel as well as the Dark Horse series, Ghost. She has also begun writing Avengers Assemble beginning with issue #9.
Although her list of writing credits is impressive, I’m a newcomer to the Kelly-Sue fan club, but I am quickly becoming its most devoted member.

What is it that makes her a great writer? 

Maybe its how her dialogue sequences feel so natural, or the way she is able to convey the emotions and personality of her characters through their words and actions instead of  a narrative exposition.
She writes about believable people in a believable way, but manages to make them larger than life.

A good example of what I’m talking about is the conversation that takes place between Carol Danvers and Steve Rogers in issue #1 of Captain Marvel. Steve (Captain America) explains to Carol (still going by Ms. Marvel) not only why she deserves the title of Captain Marvel, but what she has done to earn that mantle. Her eventual acceptance of his quiet logic is a moment I found both moving and exhilarating.

Another example would be the diner scene in Ghost #1 when Mary (if that’s really her name) explains why “…wherever I come from, I’m preeeetty sure it wasn't heaven.” We see apparently normal people discussing decidedly un-normal events in the sort-of matter-of-fact manner that only those who have experienced such events, can do.

When I learned Kelly Sue was taking over as writer on Avengers Assemble – well, let’s just say I haven’t looked forward to an “Avengers” comic with this much anticipation since Roger Stern’s “Masters of Evil” story-arc that destroyed the original Avengers mansion back in the ‘Seventies. I enjoy finding comic creators that re-kindle that kind of excitement in me.

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of seeing many writers, who’s work I admire, become icons of the industry, writers like Warren Ellis, Grant Morrison and Ed Brubaker to name a few.
Kelly Sue DeConnick is destined to join that group.
I hope she keeps writing for a long, long time.

You can find all of the great titles mentioned above, as well as many more cool comic books at

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